Mourninglights™ Photo Guide

Welcome to our photo guide page where you can upload the photo you're considering below.

You can view the progression from the original photo on the left, through the photo guide sample, to the final actual lit Mourninglight™ on the right.

If you've placed a photo guide and would like to find it, you can enter your email address and search for it here:

Upload your own photo below.

Mourninglight™ memorial candle photo Mourninglight™ memorial candle photo guide photo Mourninglight™ memorial candle photo

Free Sample Layout

We invite you to upload the photo you're considering below.

Within 24 hours and usually much sooner, you'll receive an email with a link to view your Mourninglight™ photo guide trial and our studio's recommendation.

Be sure to check your social folder for our email.

Include your phone number and we can text you when it's ready.

If it's easier, you can text us your photo at the number that will appear after you send us your name and email below.


Email Address:


Select Your Photo:

Having Trouble?

Email your photo to us if it's easier for you at this link photoguide photo . Please remember to include your name.