Photo Guide

The photo below on the left is a photo guide sample and on the right is the actual Mourninglight™ printed from it.

Upload your own below the photos.

Mourninglight™ memorial candle photo guide photo Mourninglight™ memorial candle photo

Free Sample Layout

We invite you to upload the photo you're considering below. Within 24 hours and usually much sooner, you'll receive an email with a link to view your Mourninglight™ photo guide trial and our studio's recommendation.


Email Address:

Select Your Photo:

About Your Photo

  1. Both black and white and color photos are acceptable.
  2. Well lit, sharply focused subjects on a light background print best.
    Our product can only be as good as the photo you send.
  3. Your photo should be larger than 10KB to allow us enough detail. We will enlarge or crop your photo as necessary.